Sunday, August 7, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Homeschool

'Twas the night before homeschool's first day of the year;
All of the boxes of books had appeared,
Exciting the children so they hardly could sleep -
They would have gladly began school last week!

Dad is oblivious - he hasn't a clue
How many things I have yet left to do -
To make sure the day's special, the best it can be,
For a girl starting preschool and one in grade three.

Tradition mandates that I must create
A coloring page to be placed by each plate,
Announcing the new grade each child is beginning
(Later to be held for a picture while grinning.)

There's the kitchen to straighten and table to clear,
Crayons and markers to be gathered near.
Paper and pencils and scissors and glue
Notebooks and binders to be brought out too.

Workboxes are numbered and carefully filled -
Assignments for every subject they'll yield.
Even Milly has boxes, since she has to be
Just like her sister, although just three.

(And a HALF. You must not forget the HALF.)

Now the rest of the family are snug in their beds,
And me? I must be out of my head
For still sitting and blogging when clearly I know
The tasks that require me to get up and go.

Once they are done, only then may I sleep
Until two little children into my room creep -
Earlier than need be, I haven't a doubt,
Ready to get all of their new books out!

-yeah, I wrote this one.

Because I'm feeling all poetic tonight, here's one more that I just found on another homeschooling blog. It made me all weepy, but then, most things do. See you tomorrow with an update on our first day back to school!

The Teacher

Lord, who am I to teach the way
To little children day by day,
So prone myself to go astray?

I teach them knowledge but I know
How faint they flicker and how low
The candles of my knowledge glow.

I teach them power to will and do,
But only now to learn anew
My own great weakness, through and through.

I teach them love for all mankind
And all God's creatures, but I find
My love comes lagging far behind.

Lord, if their guide I still must be,
Oh let my little children see
The teacher leaning hard on Thee.

- Leslie Pinckney Hill